Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Clemente and Orange County, CA

ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is an extremely debilitating neurological disease condition that affects the whole body, impairing the body’s ability to recover and heal.
About ALS Treatment and Therapy in California
ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) is characterized by brain and spinal cord motor neuron degeneration that cause progressive weakness and atrophy of the body’s skeletal muscles. Most sufferers have chronic neck and/or back injuries that have damaged the peri-spinal (around the spine) blood vessels creating a spinal cord that is barely getting enough oxygen.
If followed religiously this program should result in impressive improvements.
A primary contributor to ALS is endotoxins from bacteria, yeast, and parasites in the intestinal tract that pass into the blood and lymph and finally reach the cerebrospinal fluid. Once in the cerebrospinal fluid these endotoxins are phagocytized (grabbed up) by the microglia that surround the motor neurons. Once these endotoxins get into the microglia they make them “go crazy” and begin churning out a tremendous quantity of noxious chemicals that injure and kill motor neurons. Many other toxic compounds can also enter the body, reach the microglia, and overwhelm them. The goal of our treatment program is to rid the body and intestine of these poison producing bacteria, strengthen and heal the inner lining of the intestines, repair the damaged blood vessels leading into the spinal cord, remove the inflammation within the spinal cord and support the motor neurons return to health.
The Steenblock Approach to ALS
The Steenblock Approach is a three week intensive program carried out in the doctor’s office and includes the use of stem cell rich bone marrow (aspirate) to repair the gut, the tissues around the spine and the spinal motor neurons.
To learn more about our approach, please contact us, and continue to use our sites as it presents some of the leading research on diet, foods and supplements that can help reduce the destruction to motor neurons.
In his decades of private practice, Dr. Steenblock has established himself as a pioneer in many fields of medicine. From stroke care and acute brain trauma to regenerative and cell-based medicine in the treatment of ALS, Cerebral Palsy and other chronic and degenerative diseases, what has separated Dr. Steenblock from his peers is his unique and comprehensive approach to patient care:
Please contact us at (949) 367-8870 or use this for more information about Dr. Steenblock and his approach to chronic and degenerative disease treatment.Getting the Diagnosis RightTesting & AssessmentsCharting a Personalized CourseStem Cells and Healing
Dr. Steenblock spent years working in pathology, the science of studying and diagnosing disease.
Getting the Diagnosis Right
When a doctor sees a patient for the first time he will ask for copies of medical records as part of gathering information and data that, in combination with taking a medical history and doing relevant exams and tests, helps him arrive at a diagnosis (or confirm those previously made) and formulate a medical care plan. Dr. Steenblock does all this, yes, but goes beyond this. How so? He ferrets out previously undetected cause(s) and contributors of a person’s problems. Not surprisingly his track record of “discerning what has escaped other docs” has earned him the moniker “Doctor’s doctor” by his patients and a great many of his colleagues. How did Dr. Steenblock come to be a “medical sleuth”?
Dr. Steenblock’s medical sleuthing is what helps him come up with answers in situations where others have failed.
Medical sleuths are not born but made. The truly good ones have agile minds, intense curiosity, critical thinking skills and a sound medical and scientific education. Dr. Steenblock certainly has all this and more. His native abilities are reflected in a lifetime of accomplishments including spinning new ideas and inventions. His education and training are a matter of public record: A B.S. degree from Iowa State University in zoology, an M.S. in Biochemistry and Doctor of Osteopathy degree from the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa, followed by post-doctoral training that included three years at Case Western Reserve University, one year at the Oregon Health Sciences University and a clinical Rotating Internship at Providence Hospital in Seattle, Washington. Also — and very integral to doing medical detective work