Chronic Pain Treatment
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Clemente and Orange County, CA

Chronic pain is debilitating for anyone who has the misfortune of experiencing it. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common reasons for chronic pain, but there is a wide array of underlying conditions that tend to exacerbate a patient’s discomfort.
Dr. David Steenblock has dedicated his professional career to identifying and treating the root causes of joint and muscle distress. Under Dr. Steenblock’s caring and all encompassing leadership, the team at Personalized Regenerative Medicine proudly serves the wellness needs of San Clemente, California and beyond. We look forward to helping you gain the education and awareness you need to make the most informed decision on the next steps. Contact us online or call (949) 367-8870 to schedule an appointment.
About Chronic Pain Diagnoses
When a doctor sees a patient for the first time, he will ask for copies of their medical records. This information and data combines with all relevant exams and tests to arrive at a diagnosis (or confirm those previously made). From there, we can formulate a medical care plan. Dr. Steenblock does all of the above, yes, but he also goes beyond this. How so? He ferrets out the previously undetected cause(s) and contributors to a person’s health problems. This medical sleuthing or Sherlock Holmes mindset is what helps Dr. Steenblock come up with answers in situations where others have failed. Not surprisingly, his track record of “discerning what has escaped other docs” has earned him the moniker “Doctor’s doctor” by his patients and a great many of his colleagues. How did Dr. Steenblock come to be a “medical sleuth”?
Medical Sleuthing
Dr. Steenblock spent years working in pathology, the science of studying and diagnosing disease. Medical sleuths are not born but made. The truly good ones have agile minds, intense curiosity, critical thinking skills, and sound medical and scientific education. Dr. Steenblock certainly has all this and more. His native abilities are reflected in a lifetime of accomplishments including spinning new ideas and inventions. It is Dr. Steenblock’s supreme honor to do his invaluable medical detective work.
Estimates vary, but it appears around 4% of medical diagnoses are just plain wrong. Dr. Steenblock has encountered these discrepancies many times during his forty-four years of medical practice (40,000+ patients). Some of his patients had “consensus diagnoses” (a medical diagnosis made by 2 or more doctors) that turned out to be wrong. Needless to say, getting properly diagnosed helped get these folks on the right road. Dr. Steenblock prioritizes diligence and precision with each and every patient who comes in to see him. Personalized Regenerative Medicine’s mission is to deliver advanced care for chronic and degenerative diseases.
Benefits of Regenerative Medicine

The traditional approach to chronic pain alleviation usually entails surgery and/or medication. Invasive procedures require significant downtime and may inflict more pain than osteoarthritis itself. Pain meds can become addictive, forcing patients in need of relief to choose between lucidity and discomfort.
Dr. Steenblock prefers the non-surgical, non-pharmacological benefits of regenerative medicine.
Health Challenges We Treat
To experience the benefits of regenerative medicine for yourself, contact Dr. Steenblock at your earliest convenience.
Eligible Candidates
Anyone who wishes to minimize their chronic pain may be an ideal candidate for stem cell therapy. Just take it from one of our many success stories…
This is Natalie. She was frustrated when her previous medical providers failed to deliver the results she deserved. Like many of us, Natalie couldn’t afford to miss out on work and life in general, so she decided to visit Dr. Steenblock. The Personalized Regenerative Medicine team was able to address the pain and restriction she was having from her previous knee replacement.
With the use of stem cells, Natalie showed immediate results. Without the restrictions she once had, she is now able to function and thrive with the quality of life that she desires. This video captures her candidly sharing her experience at Personalized Regenerative Medicine.
Private Consultation with Dr. Steenblock
When you need help addressing chronic pain, you want the best. Dr. Steenblock’s education and training are a matter of public record: he has earned an M.S. in Biochemistry and Doctor of Osteopathy degree from the College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa. These achievements were followed by post-doctoral training that included three years at Case Western Reserve University, one year at the Oregon Health Sciences University and a clinical Rotating Internship at Providence Hospital in Seattle, Washington. Dr. Steenblock’s background has been very integral to his treatment of patients struggling with chronic pain. Call (949) 367-8870 to discuss your goals and needs with the caring crew at Personalized Regenerative Medicine.
Preparation for Your Visit
During your consultation. Dr. Steenblock and his associates will explain how to prepare for your upcoming chronic pain treatment. These instructions will be customized to your case, so please follow them closely. In general, you may want to gather any pertinent medical records and wear loose clothing. We want you to feel right at home here in our San Clemente offices.
Pain Treatment Procedure

One of the central planks in Dr. David Steenblock’s practice of personalized medicine is to cover all the testing and diagnostic bases. The first step in this process is typically to do a complete physical examination, including routine lab work and any specialized testing Dr. Steenblock deems essential.
Bone Marrow
Given the fact that each person’s bone marrow stem cells play a crucial role in healing damaged or diseased organs and tissues, Dr. Steenblock also tests for conditions that interfere with stem cell mobilization as well as their vitality and activity. This includes testing to determine the presence and levels of heavy metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc. For adults, screening is done using dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), which is an oral chelating agent that binds to heavy metals. A one-time dose of DMSA is taken by the patient, followed by 6 hours of urine collection. A sample is then sent to Doctor’s Data in Chicago for analysis.
Hormone Deficiency
Hormone deficiencies and excesses (e.g. hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, etc.) can impact stem cells, as well as the tissues into which they engraft. Hormonal imbalance can bring about cellular changes that can dampen or otherwise impede stem cell activity. Dr. Steenblock prescribes hormone panel tests that measure such hormones as DHEA, IGF-1, HGH, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone and prolactin.
Physical stressors including, but not limited to, hypoxia (low blood and tissue oxygen levels), intermittent hypoxia, nocturnal hypoxemia (serious drops in tissue oxygen levels during sleep), chronic persistent hypoxia secondary to COPD (emphysema), metabolic acidosis (happens in poorly controlled diabetes) or other noxious tissue conditions are also deterrents for stem cell activity. To detect & measure the extent of these conditions, Dr. Steenblock runs tests that measure carbon dioxide (CO2) blood levels, LDH isoenzymes & lactic acid, pyruvic acid levels, salivary, and urine pH. In addition, Dr. Steenblock may also order a nocturnal oximetry test, electrocardiogram (EKG), and pulmonary function studies.
Dr. Steenblock looks for active infections whether bacterial, viral, or mycoplasma in nature. These sorts of infections tend to affect stem cells, including those that would ordinarily wind up supporting the body’s own repair and restoration processes.[3]
Dr. Steenblock checks the gums, sinuses, organs, or other tissues, plus smoldering or hard-to-detect low-grade infections, especially those caused by certain herpes viruses and retroviruses. Tests that Dr. Steenblock may utilize, when indicated, include a computed tomography (CT) scan of the lungs and sinuses to rule out sinus infections and a Comprehensive Digestive Stool Analysis (CDSA) plus Parasite test to rule out intestinal issues, including disturbances in bowel ecology.
Poor nutrition, consumption of unhealthy fats and simple sugars, binging or heavy drinking, consumption of carbonated beverages (especially those that are sugar-laden), overconsumption of caffeine, and so on, can worsen many medical conditions. Lack of certain nutrients, like vitamin D, as well as excess amounts of others, such as vitamins K and A, can all impede or interfere with the viability & activity of stem cells. Generally, Dr. Steenblock conducts a systematic review of a patient’s diet, which may require the patient to keep a food diary for a period of time. In addition, specialized testing may be done to more accurately determine the patient’s nutritional needs.
Medications and Supplements
Drug interactions and excessive or ill-advised drug choices, including herbal supplements, vitamins, and minerals can potentially create medical problems. Existing diseases and conditions may be amplified by medications, not to mention adversely affecting stem cell growth, proliferation or function. Therefore, Dr. Steenblock typically reviews each patient’s past & present prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) pharmaceuticals, herbs, herbal teas and supplements, vitamins and minerals, as well as illicit drugs in order to be able to make the safest and most effective decisions for the patient’s regenerative health.
Dr. Steenblock makes use of various highly sophisticated tests to help gauge such considerations as how a patient is likely to respond to a particular ordered medication. He can even ascertain a patient’s risk of developing certain types of chronic diseases in the future. One comprehensive genetics test Dr. Steenblock often orders for his patients is 23andMe. This kind of testing makes it possible for him to individualize many aspects of the care he provides.
Lab Tests
In addition to the aforementioned tests, Dr. Steenblock may also order some or all of the following labs to help complete his assessment and develop a more personalized treatment plan: complete blood count (CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive protein (CRP), thyroid panel, uric acid, ammonia (brain cases), erythropoietin (EPO) test if anemia is present, reticulocyte count, iron, total iron-binding capacity test (TIBC), oxygen % saturation, copper, ceruloplasmin, antinuclear antibody test with reflex, and urine organic acids.
Your Personalized Treatment Plan
Charting Your Personal Course
Once a patient’s diagnosis is confirmed, modified, or even overturned and the results of all tests are gathered, Dr. Steenblock can then put all the pieces together to create a personalized treatment plan. This simply means that therapies and treatments are matched to the individual and their unique biochemical and genetic make-up. Each patient is a tapestry of characteristics and features, including those of their particular medical challenges. This process helps increase the patient’s potential for optimal outcomes and significant clinical improvements.
Treatment Strategies May Include
- Addressing heavy metal toxicity using chelation therapy
- Balancing hormone levels through hormone replacement therapy
- Treating various infections using antimicrobial therapies
- Addressing nutritional deficiencies and unique dietary needs through individualized therapeutic diet plans, oral supplements, and IV nutritional therapies
- Prescribing or changing pharmaceutical medications and nutritional supplements in order to maximize their benefits for health and regenerative capacity, as well as minimize any potential adverse reactions or interactions
Additional Treatment Modalities
- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)
- Periodic Acceleration Therapy (PAT)
- Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy (PMFT)
- Hyperthermia
- External Counterpulsation
- Hyperthermic Ozone and Carbonic Acid Transdermal Therapy (HOCATT)
- IV or Oral Chelation
- Nutritional or Other Intravenous Therapies
- Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
- Stem Cell Therapies
Proven Results
The best person to heal you is YOU. Your body contains a vibrant system of reparation and regeneration in the form of stem cells. These specialized cells can flourish into a variety of different structures to replenish joints and muscles that require attention.
One look at our generous reviews will show how committed Dr. Steenblock is to his patients. To join the ranks of his happy, healthy clientele, contact our office.
How much does chronic pain treatment cost in San Clemente, California?
The cost of your chronic pain treatment will depend on several factors. Dr. Steenblock wants to assess your diet, hormone levels, and various other determinants to get a complete picture of your current wellness. From there, he can recommend a regenerative medical approach to alleviating your chronic pain. Dr. Steenblock is happy to provide transparent pricing at every step along the road to your recovery. Call (949) 367-8870 to discuss your questions and concerns about the cost of chronic pain relief in Southern California.
- Prabhakar, S., Marwaha, N., Lal, V., Sharma, R. R., Rajan, R., & Khandelwal, N. (2012). Autologous bone marrow-derived stem cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a pilot study. Neurology India. 60 (5) 465. DOI: 10.4103/0028-3886.103185
- Chen, W. W., & Blurton‐Jones, M. (2012). Concise review: can stem cells be used to treat or model Alzheimer’s disease? Stem Cells. 30 (12) 2612-2618.
- Kim, B. C., Kim, S. Y., Kwon, Y. D., Choe, S. C., Han, D. W., & Hwang, Y. S. (2015). Mycoplasma detection and elimination are necessary for the application of stem cell from human dental apical papilla to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Biomaterials Research. 19, 6.